Parents Workshops With Children In Primary & High School

Did you know that parents and students repeat the same mistakes each year, that can impede future success not to mention finances? A passive approach to education just isn't an option given intense competition at school and in the work force. Taking a keen interest and informing yourself with strategies that can help your child succeed at school, can significantly impact your child's quality of life.  Don't leave your child's education and career success to chance. We provide parents with the right knowledge and solutions to place children in the trajectory of success and happiness.

Towards The Road To Success

If you answer yes to any one of the following questions, then BYDE programs are designed for you!
  • Have you wondered how you can transform your child into a happy and successful student?
  • Are you convinced that your child isn’t maximizing his or her academic potential?
  • Have you been unsuccessful in encouraging your child to move away from a ‘I can’t do this’ to a ‘yes I can’ attitude?
  • Have you wondered why some children consistently perform at the top of the class?
  • As high school comes to an end, is your child struggling with which career path to follow?
  • Is the career guidance counselor unable to adequately guide your child in career development?
  • Is your child confused about post-secondary choices?

Raising Happy and Successful Primary School Children

Key Objective - Prepare Your Child For Their Destiny

Four Group Sessions - 90 Minutes Each


This seminar provides parents with strategies and tools to increase their children's capacity for academic success, personal success and happiness. We share ground breaking research and secrets that gives your child an academic advantage.

Raising Happy and Successful High School Children

Key Objective - Plan Out Your Child's Destiny

Four Group Sessions - 90 Minutes Each


This seminar provides parents with strategies and tools to increase their children's capacity for academic success, personal success and happiness. We share ground breaking research and secrets that gives your child an academic advantage. Additionally, we provide you with the tools to help your child find their true passion and enable you to better assess and identify the appropriate higher learning institution.

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